Genocide Jon displays his Zionist roots and Mossad (Murdoch) funding.

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These people brighten my day: I love language: "Fangs of the enemy". Remember when the Marxists of the '70s only showed us how to talk Maoist-slogan speak.

So happy to see you with a Substack Jon. As soon as my pension comes I'll pay contribute.

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I thought we knew better than to be taken in, again, by the oldest hatred. But the double standard, not just among individuals, but by our media ("they aren't terrorists, they're militants" or the BBC slyly interpreting the IDF as "targeting" Arabic speakers rather than simply "including" them among their forces) and, most sadly, our government asking for "proportionality" and decrying both sides, gives the lie to that happy idea. Most revealing of all, is the intellectual dullness of our intersectional students and youngsters, who seem to see no difficulty in praising the beheading, burning, raping and simple straightforward slaughter of Jews whilst claiming they are horrified by the deaths of Palestinians who have been placed squarely in the firing line by Hamas. I repeatedly have asked individuals of that ilk to answer two questions on "moral equivalence" that I shamelessly stole from Sam Harris:

1. Can you imagine Israel using Israeli women and children as human shields?

2. If they did, would it deter Hamas, or encourage them in their attacks?

And then they go silent and do not reply. This convinces me they are not just stupid, but wicked: they know the answers and choose to support Hamas anyway. This evil has deep roots, and it must be exposed if we are to have any claim to being a moral society.

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...who claim that Canadian Jews may soon be set upon by a wave of pogroms led by unassimilated immigrants from the Middle East and Central Asia.

I would invite the author to research the situation in France.

If he did so he would learn about the Jewish children forced to leave their public schools because public authorities are candid about their inability to protect these students. He would also learn about the thousands of French Jews who have chosen to leave first the areas they grew up in and then France itself because of pervasive anti-semitism.

Not to mention the many urban areas where women are subject to a code of modesty of they venture outdoors and are effectively banned from public places such as cafés and the like. Or what about the majority of young people from certain backgrounds who contend that Sharia law trumps the laws of the French Republic?

It is all in the numbers, Mr. Kay.

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For my Jewish friends, neighbours and colleagues, displays of Canadian anti-Semitism come as no surprise. It was the length, breadth and intensity behind the recent protests that profoundly shocked everyone. I had the occasion to tour Dachau, a week before Oct. 7th. That sobering experience, I am sure, made my revulsion far more more acute than it might have been. I am still struggling to grasp that, in 2023 Canada, Jews rightfully fear for their security. The righteous among us will declare their unequivocal support now, to forestall any historical repeat. It is heartbreaking enough to know people who no longer feel safe in their own country.

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