Honey from the bee. Thank you.

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I'm ashamed to say I'm a little grateful for this piece. I am not Jewish, but i have felt a need to defend my Jewish-American bithers and sisters, so I have. However, I'd love to take a break at policing and just say something if I see something. And, you are 100% right. The last thing I want to do is imitate Ibram Kendi or any of his ideas. Just no.

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No Nation on this planet suffered the loss of 1/2 its population- except the Jewish People during the Holocaust. During the years leading up to the Final Solution, the buzz word was complacency. Ring a bell?

The Return to Zion is an inalienable right- one that could not be exercised during the Holocaust because of the British Mandate restricting Jewish emigration.

The modern State of Israel was established in memory of the 6 million, and to accommodate the walking skeletons liberated from the camps.

The horrors you spoke of on October 7th have become “taboo;” Holocaust denial has become fashionable; The Protocols of The Elders of Zion is translated into over 70 languages; “From The River to The Sea”- a basic primer in UNRWA schools, is available on Amazon, in English.

And you speak of “NOT SPEAKING?”

This does not help theJewish cause, which over the millennia has focused on just existing.

We cannot be silent!!!!!!


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I just want to know where all the protesters were when Hezbollah was slaughtering their civilians, or when the murderous Bashir al-Assad was butchering his own in Syria. And now they’re all taking part in scolding Israeli troops for entering the Gaza Strip.

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You’re right. Going to focus on my family today. ❤️

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I think this is very wise guidance - thanks for expressing it so well .

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Thanks, as usual, for a voice of sanity. I, for one, am glad the anti-semites have spoken out so now we know who they are, and they can be judged accordingly.

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Bari Weiss in her speech at the Federalist Society’s Barbara J. Olsen Memorial:

“The right ideas don’t win on their own. They need a voice. They need prosecutors.

“Time to defend our values—the values that have made this country the freest, most tolerant society in the history of the world—without hesitation or apology.

“The leftist intellectual Sidney Hook, who broke with the Communists, and called his memoir Out of Step, used to implore those around him to “always answer an accusation or a charge” to not let falsehood stand unchallenged.

“We have let far too much go unchallenged. Too many lies have spread in the face of inaction as a result of fear or politesse.

“No more.

“Do not bite your tongue. Do not tremble. Do not go along with little lies. Speak up. Break the wall of lies. Let nothing go unchallenged.

“Our enemies’ failure is not assured and there is no cavalry coming. We are the cavalry. We are the last line of defense. Our civilization depends on us.”

She nailed it.

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I found this to be a very impressive piece of writing.

The hallmark of the so called progressive left is to demand not only toleration of its beliefs but actual public celebration of its ideals, as in the call to publicly abase oneself in the aftermath of the horrendous murders in New Zealand.

We had better be careful if we don't want to evolve into the sort of society where participation in these struggle sessions becomes all but mandatory.

The parallel comes to mind of Cuba where any rational citizen, despite knowing they would hear only lies, would attend Castro's hours long rants about pig iron production and clap their hands raw because even worse than standing under the blazing tropical sun were the adverse consequences that failure to attend could entail.

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Is it not head-shakingly stupid how quickly people have been persuaded to forget October 7th, and to worry instead about Gazan children and proportionality? Gazan children are well worth worrying about, but if their own government would rather see them die and be used as propaganda, then it may well be that we must accept that the best solution is to annihilate Hamas, and ensure a better future for the children that are left. Otherwise we go nowhere, and will repeat the cycle with more Gazan children condemned either to die as pawns, or to join Hamas and die whilst joyfully killing Israelis. Enough! Get it over with and do what must be done.

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Good point. Israel is taking care of the Hamas problem about as well as any other bodies whose job is to do just that (the UN et al)

So, yes, we could talk less about what's going on over there.

But what about what's happening right here, in the land of the free and the home of the brave?

It seems like we're raising, and spoiling, a generation of monsters: Not protesters and noise-makers, who have always been present on our campus, but activists who loudly and proudly proclaim their readiness to deny and even destroy the values on which liberal enlightened societies are built.

Their sole historical moment, and the entire foundation of their view of the Middle East is 1948, when some 700,000 Arabs/Palestinians fled, or at times were "expelled," from the newly established state of Israel, with the promise of a victoriously bloody return. Since that revenge-return failed to materializa, and since Israel grew to be well-maintained, prosperous and democratic member in the community of nations (about the only such state in the region), a vain-glorious revenge-industry came to be, encouraged, glorified and weaponized-supported by the least worthy of states: the late benighted USSR, Rec (?) China, and now Shi'a (bat-shit crazy) Iran.

In the eyes of this new crop of activists, Octobe 7 either didn't happen at all, or if it did it was a direct heavily justified consequence of Israels' oppression of "Palestinians." Sympathies with that stateles-homeles ethnie whose rank swelled to about ten million, is one thing; adopting the mindset of their loudest spokespersons --- "From the river to the dea!" meaning erase Israel --- is quite seomething else.

Graduates of Harvard, Columbia etc (the "elite") are sought out by grad- professional schools and recruiters, so we can be sure that our future lawyers, physicians, buraucrats and, yes, lawmakers will come from the ranks of those who scream for Jewish blood.

And that prospect should make us re-consider how we see the future of the US.

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What a beautiful

Piece of writing Jonathan. Your wisdom do graceful and undeniable

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The term “White Supremacy” in the past has signfied the philosophy Neo-Nazism. I have truly no clue as to what moving target of meaning it has today.

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Yep. Just shut up about it. Don’t talk about it and it will all go away. Not.

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Good points, Jon.

I was listening to Douglas Murray and Chris Williams this morning (at the gym) and Murray similarly states that it is time for us to get on with whatever it is that we are meant to be doing. Meaning, there is more value in life than fighting over two genders, or, what pronouns one needs to express. Go enjoy someone’s company face to face vs whipping up fury online. Read some great books.

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