What is deeply problematic is that you feel emboldened to speak as if with authority on an issue that you are clearly completely ignorant about. The reason why you believe you have authority to speak like an expert about something you clearly do not know about is because you are white- and you have been indoctrinated and enabled by a society to believe, without questioning, that whiteness is the “norm” and the world is centred around you, but he way you think, the things you believe etc. It is not your fault that you cannot perceive or imagine the existence of perspectives that differs from yours— but if you do not take responsibility to be curious instead of reactionary and judgemental based on your white centering, what you are actively doing is white supremacy. Getting upset about helping called out for this, being defensive about it is called white fragility… and criticizing BIPOC for how they respond to your white supremacy is called white fragility. You can take the time to learn, but begin with the understanding that I’m a world of diversity— your white colonialist male perspective is NOT a singularly correct way to see the world. And damned straight you should apologize and make reparations for your attacks. Reconsider what “safety” might mean- because I guarantee that you- as a white male, do not understand the harm that marginalized people face just being in the world each day.

People like you defend the status quo because it SERVES YOU to dominate from your place of privilege. If the existence of black only spaces threatens you— that requires deep questioning about your racism.

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Since it says black-identifying, then I, a white woman who identifies as Black would expect a spot right up front.

Self ID is both a farce and a nightmare.

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You've misrepresented my comment. No segregation occurred because there was no forceful separation. And, this event was not exclusive to one race. oh, but wait, that's what I said in my original tweet. You're doing that trolling thing again where you compose racism-based fact making.

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Yes there WAS forceful separation. What if a white person turned up? Would they have been allowed to attend the Yoga class? I sincerely doubt it.

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Anyone supporting this is a joke and should have their academic credentials stripped. What a disgrace to the academic community. Lmao. I'm sure you wouldn't mind anyway since, of course, it's all patriarchal and colonial and stuff so your attachment to it is part of the "problem"?

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So a sign that says "this water fountain is for whites only" would not be segregation so long as white people with different ethnic backgrounds were allowed to use it? You're not being trolled, you just have an incoherent stance.

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Honest question, not trolling: Why is this yoga class not considered cultural appropriation?

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Imagine being this insufferably smug and self-righteous, all the while trying to spin an objection to discrimination on the basis of skin color as “racism-based fact making.”

No one is trolling you and there is no misrepresentation of your comment. Your argument is that limiting a voluntary event to people of a specific skin color is not segregation, which is absurd on its face.

Why don’t you respond to the hypothetical scenario described at the end of Jon’s article - would the college approving a whites-only yoga session to be held on its campus not constitute segregation?

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I'm sure she would be fine with a whites-only yoga event because white folks come from many different backgrounds and it isn't segregation without forceful separation. Right Shoshanah?

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1) Culture Matters, far more than we're willing to admit (via twitter)

Facts don’t care about your feelings.”

-Ben Shapiro, 5’7”

Carefully-constructed narratives don’t care about your facts, Ben. They will also crush your facts, provided that the narrative has enough institutional, cultural, political, and economic backing.

This is why a biological male won “Miss Greater Derry” which is a beauty pageant in New Hampshire under the “Miss America” organization and the girls are OK with this.

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2) It's the Gatekeepers stupid: some 60-70 percent of jobs require some form of certification to work - as long as the woke control those boards we'll be forced to bend the knee to them

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They want to have an event with only the people they want in attendance. Other people said “but you should have these other people there too otherwise you’re racist.”

Good grief, it’s just yoga. Let them have their stupid event.

And then go start an all-white or all-male social group of some sort.

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I am too damned old for this. I had the misfortune to grow up in a time when the objective was to integrate people who were not a part of the majority, moving to the objective where "people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." The idea of collecting racial statistics was decried as racist. People were to be equally respected until they proved not to be respectable. Now I am supposed to be what would be, in that earlier time, racist.

BTW, Jay, check your spelling. Several typos in this.

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This batshit crazy. The West has gone mad.

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If I didn't know better I'd say this was a Titania McGrath post!

"Salem Debs self-identifies as “a Black Ethiopian anti-racism educator, an anti-oppression coach, a social justice advocate, a student in dismantling anti-Black racism, an accomplice in dismantling anti-Indigenous racism, xenophobia, and Islamophobia, and a believer in LGBTQ2S+ & disability rights through an intersectional lens.” Her anti-racism, she says, is “rooted in the understanding that we must acknowledge and identify the insidiousness of white supremacy before we can dismantle colonial belief systems.”"

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More than a few people pointed out it just didn't exclude white people but indians, natives, LGBTQxyz123 etc etc. Secondly it is pure cultural appropriation as this is an South Asian thing..

But the best tweet (which I can't find) was the one that pointed out this is exactly how this is how you set up a racist system -

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Nov 17, 2022
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Yep that is about the level we expect from the woke. You have no valid arguments or points to make. All you can do is try to put others down and try to silence them. Weak mate very weak.

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Jan 15, 2023
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Yep more meaningless insults. Learn how to have a discourse with people.

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Jan 15, 2023
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Nope. It is the truth. You have done nothing in this thread except for try to insult and annoy. You have provided no arguments, no discussion and no content. So you completely fit everything I have stated about you. As I said learn how to have a discourse. Discourse means discussing something - often with the intent to make a point.

If all you can do is insult then that shows you are angry that you can not prove the people you are angry with wrong. It is a sign that you have been defeated. So enjoy that new knowledge.

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Jan 16, 2023
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What a pathetic comment..

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