10/10 sarcasm, would read again.

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This scares the cr*p out of me. I’m a GenX’er going back to university to become a teacher in Canada and I’m taking a chance that things will get better as the normal, silent majority wakes up to this pernicious nonsense.

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I went back for grad school and walked into this nonsense face-first.

-10/10, do not recommend. (Ouch!)

Edit: But yes, I do hope Canadians start noticing in larger and larger numbers so we can kick this garbage to the curb--where it belongs. (And congratulations on the future career change! How exciting.)

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Thanks, I’m hoping that already being an adult will help me avoid the worst of it but I have no illusions that it will be easy. This next generation needs people of sound mind and heart to teach rather then indoctrinate more than ever. I don’t know if I’m that guy but I’m going to try.

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Yeah, that was my rationale too. I was actually going to drop the program and do something else, but it occurred to me that the young'uns are not at all equipped to deal with what's coming down in the next 5-10 years.

Also not sure if I'll be of any use, but it's better to be in a position to do something than nothing.

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“How has your socioeconomic status impacted your development and performance of gender?”

Not nearly as well as the line of coke I snort so I can perform my gender in front of thousands at the Rogers Centre.

“What is the relationship between your gender and your sexual orientation.”

They're on speaking terms.

"Why do you think educational systems haven't taught about the Inuit way of knowing and being?"

Guessing that with them living up near the Arctic Circle & us being down here in southern Ontario, we're never going to run into each other, so, who cares?

"How has your ethno-cultural background influenced your perspectives and experiences of gender?"

It's complicated. The French part of me wants to fuck everyone I see, the English part of me wants to colonize everyone I see, and the German part of me wants to bomb the shit out of the other two. With all the fucking, colonizing, and fighting going on we don't really have time to focus on gender but the French part of me is definitely a heterosexual little whore and that German bastard is KINKY!"

“Thinking about the ecosystems model, and the attributes it describes, please reflect on how the salience of your positionality has changed over time.”

Look I don't think it's any of your damn business what 'positionalities' I favour! But they're all way too acrobatic for a tightassed, stiff-necked wokemonster like *you*, so don't even think about getting together with me after class!

I would totally get points for choosing to answer all questions.

Not sure what I'd get for the questions. Maybe expelled. ;)

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It sounds like higher education is in its most radical Gang of Four stage. They need to be toppled sooner rather than later. That won't happen on its own. Opponents need to strategize, come up with a strategy, fund it and launch the campaign in the real world. Oppo research. Hit pieces in the media. And the rest . . .

Using American politics as an example, it would be unproductive to involve far right organizations like the Heritage Foundation or insane/cynical conspiracy mongers of the kind who infest the American right. They'll discredit the effort and try to hijack it to their own ends.

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Tonight Jon, I read your post out loud with different voices for the Uni and yours. (Yours was the sane, logical voice. The Uni’s was the high pitched, lecturing school marm voice.)

Hubby and I laughed, and laughed, and laughed, and…….with horror and distain keep reiterating “salient positionality” yet knowing this is supposedly an institution of higher learning.

It is total horse hockey!

Thank you for (although painful to read) sharing this idiocy within Canadian tax funded institutions. This is the kind of whackaloonery that drove Richard Bilkszto to the brink.

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Thank you for exposing this DEI nonsense. It is hard to believe that this propaganda is being forced on students in business school. Yet it is. It will only stop when universities realize that students, parents and others in society do not approve of this form of indoctrination and will not support it. Students and parents can vote with their feet. Alumni, community members and business leaders may also want to reconsider financially supporting institutions like Western University or forming partnerships with them.

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Geez sounds like a social work class on steroids. Scary as hell.

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I‘m so glad I attended UWO back when it was a legitimate university. Now as a parent, there’s no way I’d be paying for my kid to be learning this b.s.

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This is actually a lot better-written than the 'indigenous cultural safety training module' we had to go through in med school, the first part of which informed us that the concepts of evolution and common descent of man were western colonial constructs and a creation myth about a raven finding humans in a conch shell was equally valid as an explanation for the origins of humans.

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...I might emigrate after all. Good god.

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I'd laugh if I weren't so busy crying.

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And how much are these students paying for the privilege of being indoctrinated by this crap?

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28K a year

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For years now, men have slowly dropped out of higher education. While unfortunate, I have to think: maybe they're the smart ones....

btw, this article should be required discussion material at any university/college welcome seminar

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It's far more likely to do with higher levels of disagreeableness. I know plenty of women who think this is crap. They would never say that in public, usually for various reasons which run the gamut from "be kind" to "I don't want the trouble."

I do think we can do with more cantankerous Glorious Bastards in academia, though. This new crop more resembles mice than men (or women).

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Oh my gods.

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